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The “b for bulthaup” gastronomy prize goes to Castro, Casañas, and Xatruch

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Oriol Castro, Mateu Casañas y Eduard Xatruch-Restaurante Compartir
estatuilla premio b de bulthaup
Restaurante Compartir
Restaurante Compartir
Restaurante Compartir
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bulthaup ha otorgado el premio “b de bulthaup” 2013 a los tres chefs del restaurante “Compartir” de Cadaqués, un proyecto que nace tras su etapa en El Bulli y que responde al afán por ofrecer la mejor cocina de vanguardia en un entorno singular.

Oriol Castro, Mateu Casañas, and Eduard Xatruch, the chefs at Compartir, have been awarded the “b for bulthaup” gastronomy prize.

Today, bulthaup awarded the “b for bulthaup” 2013 prize to the three chefs from Compartir (which means Sharing in Spanish), the restaurant located in Cadaqués, a project that came together after their experience at El Bulli and which is the expression of their desire to offer the best innovative cuisine in a unique setting.

The “b for bulthaup” award arose from the quest to acknowledge the efforts of a Spanish chef or restauranteur who shared the underlying values of the bulthaup brand: innovation, quality of life, functionality, professional skill, technical perfection, and the ability to adapt to changing times.

“What do we at bulthaup have in common with these chefs?” asked Christian Weirich, CEO of Bulthaup Iberia, in his speech. “As I see it, eating at Compartir is much more than just eating. Likewise, a customer who buys bulthaup is actually acquiring much more than just a kitchen.”

Compartir and bulthaup both believe in the importance of values, aesthetics, and forward thinking. The quest to innovate, to challenge what already exists, and to reinterpret it. These successful chefs’ desire to bring excellent cuisine to a broader audience is another one of the values we support. The sensitivity that the three makers of Compartir showed when they started up their new Cadaqués venture after their successful experience at El Bulli was crucial for convincing a jury of which we are particularly proud.

Oriol Castro, Mateu Casañas, and Eduard Xatruch are the first to receive a prize that will be awarded on a yearly basis, and whose jury panel this first time around included Álvaro Palacios (wine producer), Benedetta Tagliabue (architect), Miquel Torres Maczassek (wine producer), Oriol Villar (creative director, advertising), Quim Vila (owner of Vila Viniteca), Josep Mª Morera (graphic designer), Cristina Castañer (fashion designer/entrepreneur), Soledad Lorenzo (journalist), Toni Massanès (gastronome and journalist), Alfons Tost (interior designer), Miguel Sal (designer and branding consultant), and Christian Weirich (bulthaup).

With the “b for bulthaup” prize, we wish to join the efforts of so many chefs and other professionals in the restaurant sector who truly identify with our quest for ongoing improvement.

1 Premio b de bulthaup 2013
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Photographs by Stephan Zähring, Jordi Ramos, and Francesc Guillamet.

After a speech by Christian Weirich, CEO of bulthaup iberia, and the “b for bulthaup” award being granted to the three chefs Oriol Castro, Mateu Casañas, and Eduard Xatruch, an appetizer inspired by Compartir’s iconic dishes was served. All those present—members of the jury, bulthaup partners, journalists, friends, and colleagues from the gastronomy sector—had a chance to “share” the event in a relaxed atmosphere and in acknowledgment of the prizewinners’ achievements.

Vídeo Award: